How to buy
Step 1: Choose the product you'd like to buy, select the combinations and then click on "Add to cart"
Step 2: Once you added all the products you need to the cart, look at the top-right of the page and click on Cart
Step 3: If you're a company with a VIES-valid VAT number, insert it in the specific field, so the website will not charge you taxes. If you're a private customer or your VAT number is not VIES-valid (the website should return you an error message if it's the case), leave the field empty, ignore the Step 3 and go to Step 4
Step 4: Click on "Proceed to checkout"
Step 5: Enter the required info for the checkout process and then click on "Continue to Shopping". In the field between Address and Postal code you need to insert again your VAT number if you already inserted in the Step 3, or, if you're a private customer or don't have a VIES-valid number please write your fiscal code (also called National Identification Number, TIN Tax Identification Number, or another name, depending on the country you're from. It's a combination of numbers, characters, sometimes symbols too; in most countries you can find it on your personal ID). Then finish the checkout process by selecting "Continue to payment", insert your credit card info or use Paypal and click on "Pay now"
Thank you for your order :)